oak n.,int.,vt. =O.K. n. 1.栎树,橡,?,?;栎木,栎叶;栎树嫩叶色。 2.〔英大学〕坚牢的(栎木)大门。 3.栎木家具[木器]。 4.〔诗〕木船。 adj. 栎(木制的)。 an oak table 栎木桌子。 a heart of oak 坚忍不拔的人,勇士。 Oak may fall when reeds stand the storm. 〔谚语〕树大招风。 sports one's oak 〔英学俚〕闭门谢客。 the hearts of Oak 【英海军】军舰和水兵。
Cold - temperate mountain hard - leaf evergreen oak forest is less than the pine forest , which usually occurs on east - faced slope above 3000m 寒温山地硬叶常绿栎类林在拉市海流域面积仅次于云南松林,多出现于海拔3000米以上东向山坡。
Everything looked like money - like the last coin issued from the mint . the stables , partly screened by austrian pines and evergreen oaks , and fitted with every late appliance , were as dignified as chapels - of - ease 在奥地利松树和四季长青的橡树的遮蔽下,配备了各种最新设备的马厩半掩半现,崇高威严,就像是为了方便教民而修建的小教堂。
S saw a dim and bluish light , which , as well as the air , entered , not merely by the aperture he had just formed , but by the interstices and crevices of the rock which were visible from without , and through which he could distinguish the blue sky and the waving branches of the evergreen oaks , and the tendrils of the creepers that grew from the rocks ,唐太斯本来以为洞里一定很黑暗,空气中一定带着浓重的腐臭味,但到了里面,他却看到一片浅蓝色的昏暗的光线,这种光线,象空气一样,并非只是从他刚才挖开的洞口那儿射来的,是从岩石的裂缝里穿进来。这些在洞外是看不到的,但到了洞里,却可以透过它们看到那蔚蓝的天空,看到那些长在石缝里的常春藤,卷须蔓和野草的枝叶。
Against these far stretches of country rose , in front of the other city edifices , a large red - brick building , with level gray roofs , and rows of short barred windows bespeaking captivity , the whole contrasting greatly by its formalism with the quaint irregularities of the gothic erections . it was somewhat disguised from the road in passing it by yews and evergreen oaks , but it was visible enough up here 在连绵不断的乡村原野的衬托下,在那些高楼大厦的正面,有一栋用红砖盖的大楼房,楼房上盖的是水平的灰色屋顶,窗户上有一排排短铁栏杆,这表明那儿是囚禁犯人的地方整栋楼房的样式既呆板又教条,和歌特式建筑错落有致的奇特风格形成鲜明对照。